[X4U] FireFox and FullCircle

Charles Howse chowse at charter.net
Wed Feb 8 08:23:01 PST 2006

I just noticed a directory that I can't figure out.
~/Library/Application Support/FullCircle
It contains a subdirectory - MozillaOrgFirefox15MacOSX2006011112
which contains 2 files, manifest.ini, and permdata.box.

Here are the first few lines of manifest.ini:

; manifest.init;

; WARNING - Do not edit this file. It will likely be overwritten if you do

VendorID = "MozillaOrg"

ProductID = "Firefox15"

PlatformID = "MacOSX"

BuildID = "2006011112"

ManifestVersion = 0

ApplicationName = "Firefox15"

If I delete the FullCircle directory, then start FireFox, the directory is
Does anyone else have this directory, and why is it there?


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