[X4U] firewire hub

Alec McKenzie alec at mckenzie.me.uk
Thu Feb 9 04:38:29 PST 2006

At 04:27 -0800 on 9/2/06, CYNTHIA MOORE wrote:
>I made the mistake and purchased two usb external hard
>drives for back up and they are painfully slow. I
>already own a firewire drive which I was using for
>backups but had to delegate it to another use. Now I
>would like to purchase another firewire but since I
>only have one firewire slot on the G5 (I think), I
>need some sort of firewire hub. Can anyone recommend
>one? Also can anyone recommend a 150GB firewire drive?

You shouldn't normally need a hub. Most firewire devices can be daisy-chained.

Alec McKenzie
alec at mckenzie.me.uk

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