John blows smoke for a living. No way is Apple dumping OS X. Your idea that bvecause Adobe won't go Universal until next year as a "problem" is amusing. I just bought a Quad like many professionals are doing right now. And there is no way that the G5 is going to be instantly made obsolete by the introduction of Intel PowerMacs before about 2017 - if then - since they will not be introduced until almost the end of 2006. Now this may sound a bit of a long term projection. But I have to tell you that there is no way the printing business is going to dump all their G5's overnight. It's the video business that needs more power - where I am - and it won't come too soon. I want at least 8 CPUs in the form of TWO 4-core processors in my first Intel MacPro next year. I think They should be ready by next Spring. I bought the Quad to crush video at 2x real time vs 4x on the Dual 2.5 GHz G5 I just sold and it did not disappoint. But what we really need is power enough to crush video at .1 x real time or faster. Dual 2.5 crushes 40 minute HDTV to iPod in 2.5 hours Quad 2.5 crushes 40 minute HDTV to iPod in 1.25 hours So you see there is a lot of room for improvement. Also hope for help from Leopard and QT 8 for this soon-to-be antique Quad. It really is pathetic. And this is state of the art. -- Taylor Barcroft New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Podcaster, Futurecaster Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley URL RSS iTunes barcroft (gizmo) kungax (Skype) kungag5 (iChat-AIM) On Feb 16, 2006, at 7:58 PM, Dominic wrote: Not sure if this article has made the complete rounds, I know that Dvorak is a long time Apple hater, but there has to be some fire to this smoke? What has me most concerned is Adobe's decision to postpone Intel version of their Apps until 2007. That kills the Printing and Graphic industries in one stroke. domi > Here is a link to the article. (PC Mag, John Dvorak column). > > <,1895,1923151,00.asp>