[X4U] Apple dumping OSX....

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Sat Feb 18 22:17:30 PST 2006

On 2/18/06 11:59 PM, wjsjlauffen at t-online.de wrote:

> When I have been asked for support, I've found hopelessly cluttered
> disorganized machines showing no understanding at all of the workings

Wow... you need to meet some different graphics professionals.

Pleased to meecha! :-) Now you personally know one who is different.

Freelance graphics professionals such as myself generally accept the
responsibility of correctly and accurately setting up and maintaining our
Macs (and PCs) -- downtime equals lost pay and lost clients. We have to
dedicate a portion of our daily work time to reading troubleshooting forums
and lists (such as this) to be familiar with the tools we use. We don't have
IT departments to "set it up for us"... we are our own IT. :-)

> QE3.6 anyone?

If QE means QuarkXPress... the last version of 3 was 3.32r5. V4.11 was a
huge step up, but, also an expensive one (ignoring the fact that if you
spread the cost over the 5 years that it was "current", it was downright
inexpensive!). XPress 6.5 is wonderful. The Beta of 7 looks even better!

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