[X4U] Congress plans to change copyright law...

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Tue Feb 28 08:41:04 PST 2006

>...for the worse.

No, for the better. 

>Read the full ASMP article here and then write your congress man:

You're better off reading:

Read it and write supporting the change!  This isn't just about 
photography, this is about all Copyright works.  As an author, I 
support this, even though this could effect material I've had 
published.  The current Copyright Law is out of control thanks to the 
likes of Disney and the other "Content Corporations".


| Zane H. Healy                    | UNIX Systems Administrator |
| healyzh at aracnet.com (primary)    | OpenVMS Enthusiast         |
| MONK::HEALYZH (DECnet)           | Classic Computer Collector |
|     Empire of the Petal Throne and Traveller Role Playing,    |
|          PDP-10 Emulation and Zane's Computer Museum.         |
|                http://www.aracnet.com/~healyzh/               |

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