[split into two - I think I'm about .9k over the list's limit] > See you on the lists... With regard to the other people who mention the DPreview forums - I do read them, but I find them a little fragmented. There are lots of posts in the Canon forum that are simply about aperture or shutter speed - surely those are largely generic questions, which are of interest to users of all brands? I'm sure there are lots of interesting posts in the Nikon and other forums that I just don't get to see because I don't have time to read 20 different message boards. I also find checking for updated threads a little confusing - I see read and green "new" flags next to some threads, but I don't know what the differences are, and often they show next to threads which don't appear to have any new messages! DPreview's are the only web- forums I've read which don't send you an email when someone replies to your posts, but generally I just prefer usenet or email - I can see really easily there which messages are new and read them without waiting for a webpage to update. DPreview has great content, tho', which I haven't found anywhere else (tho' I haven't looked properly yet at <http://www.fredmiranda.com>). Stroller.