[X4U] Re: X4U Favorite Mice?

Scott McCulloch mylists at ascottmcculloch.com
Wed Jan 4 10:01:30 PST 2006

On Jan 4, 2006, at 8:32 AM, Jim Hurley wrote:

> Jim,
> I've been using the Kensington Optical Elite (model 72121) for some  
> time now. It is a five button (programmable) mouse with scroll. I  
> can't imagine anything better, unless it would be a wireless  
> version of same.
> Jim


This is what I use too -- good features, good feel/weight/etc.

Having used several different wireless mice over the last few years,  
I've come back to wired for one primary reason: I never have to  
remember to put it in a charging cradle, or worry about batteries  
running out.

Of the wireless I've tried, the one I kept coming back to was the  
Logitech Cordless MouseMan Optical - for me it has the right balance  
of features and feel... I just really hate being in the middle of  
something and having the batteries die.


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