[X4U] Keep Airport connex alive during sleep/wake?

Anne-Marie Concepcion mylists at senecadesign.com
Fri Jan 6 06:08:29 PST 2006

At 10:08 AM -0800 1/4/06, Robert Ameeti wrote:
>Check the System Preferences/Network/AirPort/Options... button to 
>see if the same settings are being used on the odd Powerbook

thanks, this worked. But strangely, clicking the Optiions button did 
nothing. I tried that on 2 computers. The button highlights when I 
click it but no Options dialog opens. Luckily for me, the checkbox 
for "automatically connect to Airport" is in the main dialog box, not 
within Options.

But why isn't Options working? Any clues greatly appreciated.

I'm running 10.4.3 fwiw.


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