[X4U] 1984 from Apple

Mark Gibson gibsonm at bigpond.net.au
Wed Jan 11 16:49:05 PST 2006

At 18:41 -0600 11/1/06, net kat wrote:
>and what's the indication that which thing is turned on or off?
>On Jan 11, 2006, at 6:35 PM, Vince Lewis wrote:
>>Cmd-Shift-M turns it on if it's off and off if it's on.
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>Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random stuff:
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The small iTunes store like panel along the bottom appears or goes 
away (depending on whether it is "on" or "off").


Mark (}-:
+61 (0)4 1927 7198
Skype / AIM / iChat: gibsonm1

Money isn't everything, but it keeps the kids in touch...
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