[X4U] iLife '06

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Wed Jan 11 23:12:37 PST 2006

Yes I am at the show. 250,000 photo limit is true.

Yes iWeb can save all the parts to a local folder that you can then  
FTP to any site.

iLife '06 is available NOW. It is a KILLER application. Watch the  
SteveNote from the Apple site. Transcript is on my site. Link to the  
SteveNote is also on my site.
- -
Taylor Barcroft
New Media Publsiher, Editor, Video Journalist, Webcaster, Futurecaster
Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley
URL http://FutureMedia.org
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barcroft (gizmo)
kungax (Skype)
kungag5 (iChat-AIM)

On Jan 11, 2006, at 9:37 PM, Zane H. Healy wrote:

> Does anyone have any hard details on iLife '06?  I'm specifically  
> interested in the following.
> 1. The claim that iPhoto 6 can handle up to 250,000 photo's.
> This is the one that I care the most about, as I've mentioned  
> before, I've serious problems with iPhoto overload.  I've  
> temporarily solved the problem by upgrading from 1.5GB to 3.5GB.   
> Needless to say, I'm looking for a more permanent solution.
> 2. Can iWeb publish websites to anything other than .Mac.
> This one isn't to critical, as I'm slowly learning to use Adobe  
> GoLive CS (I still wish they'd kept Adobe PageMill going).  I'm  
> also distrustful enough to think that the main purpose of this is  
> to push their .Mac service.
> Also, when will iLife '06 be available?  From looking at the Apple  
> website, it appears that it might be available now.  How soon will  
> it be in the stores?
> 		Zane

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