[X4U] iLife '06

Kunga Kunga at FutureMedia.org
Thu Jan 12 09:37:00 PST 2006

Apple claims it is much faster on the base of Macs as well.
- -
Taylor Barcroft
New Media Publisher, Editor, Video Journalist, Webcaster, Futurecaster
Santa Cruz CA, Beach of the Silicon Valley
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barcroft (gizmo)
kungax (Skype)
kungag5 (iChat-AIM)

On Jan 12, 2006, at 9:30 AM, Steve Self wrote:

> At the MW Show... Scrolling thru a huge iPhoto library (on a new  
> MacBookPro) screams speed and is VERY smooth. Hopefully this will  
> be the case with our PP chipsets.
> Steve

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