[X4U] iLife '06

Jim MacCormaic thelook at eircom.net
Thu Jan 12 12:47:57 PST 2006

On 12 Jan 2006, at 05:01 pm, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:

>> Have you investigated <http://www.apple.com/ilife/>? This links to
>> 'What's New', 'All About' and 'Quick Tour' for each of the iLife
>> apps. Lots of detail. Lots of info.
> What are you talking about? I visited that page and cannot find any  
> links
> labeled 'What's New,' 'All About' or 'Quick Tour'

Apple have changed the layout since I posted originally. The quick  
tours are still there at the bottom of the page, and the links to  
each iLife component app lead to dedicated sub-sites, each of which  
includes a feature list and indicates what's new.

Jim MacCormaic
Dublin, Ireland

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