[X4U] Re: FTPclient

Zane H. Healy healyzh at aracnet.com
Fri Jan 13 13:48:08 PST 2006

> >>> Can anyone recommend any free FTP client software for OS X.2?

Open up Terminal.app, and type:
	ftp {remote hostname}

Not the easiest way to FTP files, but it's free, and it's already on your
machine.  Another possibilty would be to see if the old free version of
Fetch will run under Classic (I don't think I've tried this myself).  There
are several free apps out there that run native on Mac OS X, their
usefulness will depend on what you're trying to connect to.  The ones I've
tried don't seem to work to well connecting to anything other than Unix or
Windows OS's.

One of my pet peaves with reguards to Mac OS X is the lack of good free
Terminal (for what I do, Terminal.app isn't good), Usenet, and FTP clients.


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