Continuing my lamentations over my son's sick Mirrored Drive Doors G4: A new hard drive didn't solve all the problems. The computer continued freezing up unpredictably (no Kernal Panic, no warning, just a frozen mouse cursor and no response to any keyboard or other input). I downloaded memtest and ran it in single user mode. It appeared to indicate TWO separate addresses that generated errors. So, I've swapped the modules in and out, and the original 256 Mbyte stick from Apple seemed OK (although the computer won't even boot if this DRAM module is alone in the slot immediately adjacent to the processor heatsink). I tried moving the Apple stick into the second slot (nothing in the other slots), and the machine passed multiple memtest runs. So, I decided one of the two 512 Mbyte modules must be bad, and thought it wouldn't take long to sort out which one was faulty. I put one of them back in slot 3 along with the Apple module in slot 2, and once again memtest reported errors. Curiously, they were now all at ONE address offset, not two. I took out the "bad" DRAM 512 Mbyte module, put in the other, and thought at first I'd solved my son's problems, because I went through one complete pass of the memtest routine with no errors reported. Unfortunately, the 2nd and 3rd passes reported errors, though not as frequently as with the other 512 Mbyte DRAM module installed. And, they were all at one address offset, and DIFFERENT from that had been reported with the other module installed in the same location So, I now believe the results are consistent with a bad address on each of the two large DRAM modules, but now I'm wondering WHY all these problems are showing up at once (especially since the machine wouldn't even boot with the good Apple-supplied module sitting by itself right next to the processor). So, I downloaded temperature monitor 3.2. It reports only two readings in this machine, at the "B" CPU and at the hard drive, and they seem pretty hot. The CPU is 57.5 degrees celsius, and the drive about 40-42 degrees celsius. The fans seem to work normally and cycle up and down in speed. So, I have three questions: 1. Is it likely I'm interpreting the memtest results correctly? (two address offset errors reported when there are three modules installed, none when only the Apple 256 Mbyte module is in, and one address error reported when either of the two 512 MByte modules is added to the 256, implying a bad address on EACH of the two modules?) 2. Is heat in the machine killing drives and DRAM modules? 3. How many of you would plunk down $75 for replacement DRAM for this box (considering that I've already invested $100 for a new 300 Gbyte ATA drive that I cannot use in any other Mac in my house)? Thanks so much, Jim Robertson --