On Jan 17, 2006, at 4:42 AM, Mitchell Senft wrote: > Just picked up a 250G internal drive for our G5 (10.4.4). > > Do I or do I not require an ATA/133 PCI card? The box says yes for > drives bigger than 137G but the G5 came with a 160G drive. And > Maxtor's site doesn't seem to have the answer. I don't have a G5 minitower (yet), but doesn't that use SATA (serial ATA) for internal drives? If the drive you purchased is a "normal" ATA drive, then I think you do unless the G5 also supports this. I could very well be wrong, just want to make sure everyone's on the same page as far as interfaces go. Either way, the 250 MB shouldn't be a problem for the G5. -Mike