On 6 juin 06, at 16:02, Charles Howse wrote: > Next, I check the new posts on a barbecue forum I'm a member of. charles, i want to know more about this! my day starts off like this: i get up, and still in my pyjamas(!) BUT with a cup of coffee (VERY important) i head to my mac, read my mails (private, job and forums - x4u & Ti), check out the news sites (swiss sites and others, bbc, nyt, guardian, libération), check the mac news sites (macintouch, macnn, et al.) by then i've had my second cup of coffee and i'm ready to go off to work… in the evening, it's almost the same, i just replace the coffee with a yoghurt or a glass of milk. whereas my morning procedure lasts about 30 minutes, the evening can lgo well into the night! i'm sometimes surprised i still have a girlfriend… regards alexandre :: 17" 1.5ghz powerbook / 1.5gb / 100gb at 7200 / X.4.6 ::