[X4U] Network Preference Pane Hangs on Edit

Rick Gordon rick at rickgordon.com
Fri Jun 9 02:47:11 PDT 2006

[OS 10.4.6]

I've recently been having a problem where any time I try to make an edit of any information in the Network pane of System Preferences, applying the change causes System Preferences to hang, from which I need to force quit. Removing /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist or replacing it with a copy of preferences.plist.system_default does not help.

However, if I log in as root, I can make the change with no problem. Yet the SystemConfiguration folder and all its contents are conforming to a just-redone permissons fix, via Disk Utility.

The stall is accompanied by an entry into the system.log: "Message NetInfo timeout connecting to local domain, sleeping."

I have not been able to determine the cause of this error, which seem ultimately likely to be a permissions problem. Any leads are appreciated. Thanks in advance.


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