On Jun 16, 2006, at 9:09 AM, revDAVE wrote: > It looks like ALL SEAGATE EXTERNAL DRIVES over 200 gig have a > permanent > feature of sleep mode every 5 to 10 minutes - and therefore are a > bad idea > on a Mac because they make the Mac wait about 10 seconds every 5-10 > minutes > while they wake from sleep (assuming you're not using it) - and > there is NO > WAY to fix this...!!! > > BTW: ( Seagate internals are fine) I supposed it's not inconceivable that Seagate external drives have different firmware than the same drive when sold as an internal drive. And since you'd probably have to open the case (thereby voiding your warranty) and install the drive in a PC to use the Seagate setup software it's probably more trouble than most people are willing to go through to deal with this - even if the firmware would let you. One work around would be to have cron run a shell script that simply touches a file on the external drive every few minutes. The web is loaded with articles on OS X and the cron facility. CronniX is a free GUI wrapper for cron. Use it to create a job like the following: */4 * * * * /usr/bin/touch /Volumes/"Your HD name here"/.keepAlive This would access the disk every 4 minutes. Change the 4 to the interval of your choice. I'm curious as to why you think this is a problem for Macs as opposed to any other computer. Phil