[X4U] Tolerance (was Spotlight and Address Book- Strange Behavior)

Ronald Steinke ronsteinke at mac.com
Mon Jun 26 11:22:00 PDT 2006

On 26 June, 2006, at 5:12:24, alexandre wrote:

>  have you ever heard of the concept of "english as a foreign  
> language" where spelling mistakes are NOT due to laziness or lack  
> of instruction (at least not in the sense in which you mean it…)?

I beg your pardon, but, when you speak in a language that is not your  
native tongue do you try to use proper pronunciation? When you write  
in another language, do you also try to use the proper spelling and  
punctuation? If you fail to try speaking and writing correctly,  
aren't you just being disrespectful to the people you are  
communicating with?

When I speak Spanish or German, which are not my native languages, I  
try my best to use the PROPER words and conjugations to make sure  
that the people I am speaking to do not misunderstand what I am  
saying. When I write in Spanish or German, I try my best to do the  
same. Where is there any difference in my expecting others to make  
that same effort to communicate properly with me and other people who  
speak my native language?

No, I do not like ignorance or laziness and do not believe that it is  
proper for others to have to accept those behaviors either. It is  
another symptom of our society's degeneration of manners and  
consideration when people have to accept disrespect because of poor  
excuses like yours.

Your response reminds me of the noise problem currently in vogue in  
California. If you have a stereo in your car, you have to play it so  
loud that you cannot hear the siren of an emergency vehicle behind  
you. You also have to install additional speakers and play your  
noise  so loud that it disturbs other motorists nearby. It has to be  
so loud that the sonic vibrations can be felt at least 50 feet away.

This behavior makes you "Cool" because it shows that you are only  
thinking of yourself and to hell with the rest of the world because  
you want to do what you want to do. If anyone tries to tell you that  
you are making too much noise, you just "flip them off" and continue  
your disrespectful behavior.

Thank you for perpetrating disrespect, ignorance, and laziness.

End of rant. My apologies to the rest of the list for going so far  
off subject.

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