Ladies and Gentlemen, offlist please. Thanks. On Mon, 26 Jun 2006 11:22:00 -0700 Ronald Steinke <ronsteinke at> writes: > On 26 June, 2006, at 5:12:24, alexandre wrote: > > > have you ever heard of the concept of "english as a foreign > > language" where spelling mistakes are NOT due to laziness or lack > > > of instruction (at least not in the sense in which you mean it )? > > I beg your pardon, but, when you speak in a language that is not > your > native tongue do you try to use proper pronunciation? When you write > > in another language, do you also try to use the proper spelling and > > punctuation? If you fail to try speaking and writing correctly, > aren't you just being disrespectful to the people you are > communicating with? > > When I speak Spanish or German, which are not my native languages, I > > try my best to use the PROPER words and conjugations to make sure > that the people I am speaking to do not misunderstand what I am > saying. When I write in Spanish or German, I try my best to do the > > same. Where is there any difference in my expecting others to make > > that same effort to communicate properly with me and other people > who > speak my native language? > > No, I do not like ignorance or laziness and do not believe that it > is > proper for others to have to accept those behaviors either. It is > another symptom of our society's degeneration of manners and > consideration when people have to accept disrespect because of poor > > excuses like yours. > > Your response reminds me of the noise problem currently in vogue in > > California. If you have a stereo in your car, you have to play it so > > loud that you cannot hear the siren of an emergency vehicle behind > > you. You also have to install additional speakers and play your > noise so loud that it disturbs other motorists nearby. It has to be > > so loud that the sonic vibrations can be felt at least 50 feet > away. > > This behavior makes you "Cool" because it shows that you are only > thinking of yourself and to hell with the rest of the world because > > you want to do what you want to do. If anyone tries to tell you that > > you are making too much noise, you just "flip them off" and continue > > your disrespectful behavior. > > Thank you for perpetrating disrespect, ignorance, and laziness. > > End of rant. My apologies to the rest of the list for going so far > > off subject._______________________________________________ > X4U mailing list > X4U at > > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random > stuff: > > >