[X4U] OT: Question on cross posting and copyright infringement

DZ-Jay dz at caribe.net
Tue Jun 27 02:10:01 PDT 2006

On Jun 27, 2006, at 01:30, Linda wrote:

> Actually, some authors/artists/syndicates charge $$ for
> reprinting/reproducing part of their work. Again, I'm sure the $$ 
> charge is
> for more substantial use than simply "quoting", but not everyone is 
> aware of
> the differences, so perhaps it's worth mentioning.

As has been said before, this is not due to Copyright laws, and has not 
been properly tested in court.  However, you as a publisher, would 
agree that it is a lot easier, faster, and less painful to just pay the 
author/artist/syndicate than to sue them for extortion.  And so the 
practice continues.


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