At 01:12 +0200 6/28/06, Paul Moortgat wrote: >Why do I always get this message twice after sending a new (not via reply) mail to this group? I complained to the Postmaster numerous times without success. >However, the mail comes trough and I get responses. Do you have your own name in a local blacklist? I do because spamers regularly use my name in the from line. My list address doesn't use that filter though. It just rejects anything not from a recognized list. The point is that the spam identification might be happening on receipt by your mail host,, in spite of the apparent involvement of job at I don't see job at anywhere in the last year as a contributor to the list. Perhaps he will reply to this. Is "OS 10.4.7" all caps? Whonoze? >MDaemon has identified your message as spam. It will not be delivered. > >From : x4u-bounces at >To : job at >Subject : [***SPAM*** Score/Req: 96.0/5.0] [X4U] OS 10.4.7 >Message-ID: <35AB3EBF-5A73-4A05-B78A-E1E893FE45B3 at> > >Yes, score=96.0 required=5.0 tests=BAYES_00,SUBJ_ALL_CAPS, USER_IN_BLACKLIST autolearn=no version=3.0.2 >************************************************** >* 100 USER_IN_BLACKLIST From: address is in the user's black-list * >0.7 SUBJ_ALL_CAPS Subject is all capitals * -4.7 BAYES_00 BODY: Bayesian spam probability is 0 to 1% * [score: 0.0000] -- --> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to admit it. <--