[X4U] Tolerance (was Spotlight and Address Book- Strange Behavior)

Robert Ameeti robert at ameeti.net
Wed Jun 28 06:44:55 PDT 2006

At 2:12 PM +0200, 6/26/06, alexandre wrote:

>On 26 juin 06, at 12:23, DZ-Jay wrote:
>>The trivialization of language, English or 
>>otherwise, seems to be a common problem in the 
>>modern, networked world.

>>I understand that English is not your native 
>>language, however the mistakes in your message 
>>are consistent with the current trend of 
>>commonly misspelled words in American youths, 
>>which is a sign of either laziness or lack of 

>i found no trace concerning anybody's reaction 
>to lee's spelling or use of english so i won't 
>react to that, though in his reaction his 
>english seemed just fine.
>as to this piece of adviceŠ what is there to 
>say? it's just pure arrogance. have you ever 
>heard of the concept of "english as a foreign 
>language" where spelling mistakes are NOT due to 
>laziness or lack of instruction (at least not in 
>the sense in which you mean itŠ)?


Using the excuse of 'english as a foreign 
language' does not explain away the laziness 
shown by purposefully not using correct 
capitalization. That is pure laziness.

Robert Ameeti

The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success hasn't been asleep.

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