[X4U] Including linux machines on an Airport Extreme Network

Cheryl Homiak chomiak at charter.net
Thu Jun 29 09:04:40 PDT 2006

Don't really know if this is within the scope of this list or not,  
but not sure where to ask so thought I'd throw it out.

I have two Macs and two linux machines. I used to have all four on a  
wan router connected to my cable modem. Now I have the Macs on  
airport extreme and plug one or the other of my linux machines in to  
the airport extreme via the ethernet connection. But I'd like to go  
wireless with my linux machines falso. does anybody know if there's  
any way tto include the linux machines in the airport network.  
Otherwise, I hve to (1) forget about giong wireless with my linux  
machines; (2) abandon airport and use a non-Apple wireless router; or  
(3) have two independent networks--not sure how this would work since  
I only have one cable modem. any suggestions would be muchh appreciated.


"Where your treasure is,
there will your heart be also".

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