[X4U] Transferring two old, to one new Mac?

Mark Des Cotes mark at astroprinting.com
Fri Mar 3 10:01:48 PST 2006

On Mar 3, 2006, at 12:12 PM, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:

> On 3/3/06 9:04 AM, Neil <Lists at mac.com> wrote:
>> on 3/3/06 11:51 AM, Eddie Hargreaves wrote:
>>> Copy the iTunes folder in ~/Music from your work Mac to your new 
>>> Mac. The
>>> ratings and play counts are stored in the iTunes Library file 
>>> contained in
>>> that folder. Similarly, copy the iPhoto Library folder in ~/Pictures 
>>> on your
>>> work Mac to your new Mac.
>> Do you have to use the import command from the file menu to get 
>> iTunes to
>> recognize both the old and new libraries?
> I'm not talking about merging two libraries. I'm talking about 
> completely
> overwriting the empty library on the new Mac with the library from the
> previous Mac.
> Eddie Hargreaves

Thanks Eddie, But I AM talking about merging two libraries (I guess). I 
want to first do a FireWire transfer between my old home iMac and my 
new one. Including my iTunes and iPhoto folders. Then I want to 
add/merge the contents of my work iTunes and iPhoto (I'll worry about 
duplicate files later). I know I can easily import the work files onto 
my new iMac but how can I retain the play counts and ratings?


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