We have had the FrameMaker discussion several times on this list, and I hope this time we will have more success that with previous times. As a long time FrameMaker user, most of my FrameMaker time is currently done on a Sun Solaris workstation. Why your statements concerning the use of Classic Mac OS FrameMaker on Intel based Mac's are certainly correct, I would hope that If Adobe does release a FrameMaker product for for Mac OS X, I would hope that they would do it in the dual binary format as there are certainly a lot of G4 and G5 systems out in the wild. And on a personal note, I purchased the latest Powerbook and Power Mac workstation upon the announcement of Apple's move to Intel. Jerry K Randy B.Singer wrote: > For those who don't know, Adobe's FrameMaker was/is a dynamite program > for authoring large works. > http://www.adobe.com/products/framemaker/main.html > Unfortunately Adobe never released an OS X-native version of FrameMaker, > and with the advent of Intel-based Macs, users can no longer run the > classic version of FrameMaker since the new MacTel machines can't run > Classic. > > This was sent to me by a hopeful FrameMaker user (~flipper, > lord.flipper at gmail.com): > > > Adobe has made a statement, recently, regarding the 'possibility' of > renewing their FrameMaker for the Mac platform. They had released 7.2 for > Windows and Solaris, and were asked about a Macintosh revival. The > comment they made was of the sort that left the door open. > > The statement was made last November, at an Adobe event called Adobe > FrameMaker 2005 Chautaugua, held in Raleigh, Karl Matthews, Group Product > Manager of Publishing Technologies at Adobe said that "...if [Adobe] > see's changes in the market and [Adobe] see's an opportunity [in the > Macintosh market for FrameMaker], then we'll respond to that." > > Apple Computer, apparently is still using FrameMaker, in OS 9, to produce > their own user guides, and apparently Apple's technical writers are > amongst the folks making noise in the direction of Adobe. So, there is > some serious interest. > > There's an online petition for folks who are interested in a version of > FrameMaker for OS X. They ask that people only sign once, as the > signatures are proofread, and all dupes have to be removed manually. > > <http://www.petitiononline.com/fmforosx/petition.html> > > There's also an online site, FrameMaker For OS X.org, with lots of > additional information about the need for a version of FrameMaker for OS > X, that is worth checking out: > > <http://www.fm4osx.org/> > > And here is the FrameMaker user group mailing list site, for anyone who > is interested: > > <http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fmforosx/> > > > > Randy B. Singer > Co-Author of: The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions) > > Routine OS X Maintenance and Generic Troubleshooting > http://www.macattorney.com/ts.html > > _______________________________________________ > X4U mailing list > X4U at listserver.themacintoshguy.com > http://listserver.themacintoshguy.com/mailman/listinfo/x4u > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random stuff: > http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZmacguy1984