[X4U] "Searching" question under 10.4

Richard Gilmore rgilmor at uwo.ca
Tue May 9 10:39:26 PDT 2006

I wonder has Apple ever stated why they've made these changes? I know
they've discontinued support for Apple Talk.

On 9/5/06 12:41 PM, "Eddie Hargreaves" <meged at earthlink.net> wrote:

> On 5/9/06 7:19 AM, Richard Gilmore <rgilmor at uwo.ca> wrote:
>> On 9/5/06 3:10 AM, "Eddie Hargreaves" <meged at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> Why did they remove A LOT of features that existed prior to Tiger?
>> Like what? 
> - Can no longer use Control-Tab/Shift-Control-Tab to cycle the sorting
> column in the List view of Finder windows.
> - Resize cursor no longer appears when you mouse over List view columns
> - Can no longer put often-used panes in the toolbar of System Preferences
> - Can no longer quickly select panes in System Preferences by typing their
> name
> - Can no longer choose default browser or e-mail client without launching
> Safari or Mail
> - Removed Fax button in Print dialog box
> - .plist files cannot be edited via TextEdit
> - No AFP connections over AppleTalk
> - Disable Journaling button removed from Disk Utility
> - Rotating Cube effect removed from Image Capture
> - .Mac avatars removed from Mail
> - Save All command removed from Stickies
> - Status messages removed from Startup progress window
> - Deleting open folders no longer closes them
> - Can no longer drag items to window titlebars
> - Removed the DVD Playback & Presentation options in Energy Saver
> - Can no longer rearrange Login Items
> - System Preferences slow-motion effect (when using shift key) removed
> - Automatically connect to strongest AirPort network setting gone
> - Removed option-click from Safari's Downloads window (would toggle info)
> - Embedded .mov files are no longer listed in Safari's Activity window
> - Removed 'Play' button from Preview for animated gifs
> - Reduced QuickTime Player's levels of volume from 7 to 4
>> But probably because they confused a lot of novice (stupid) users. I work
>> teaching tech illiterate people how to use computers and if you give too many
>> options to people they will click and click and click mindlessly until
>> they've
>> totally buggered up the system.
> I don't think novice users knew about these features. Most of these items
> would not cause a problem even if tech-illiterate people clicked and clicked
> on them mindlessly.

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