[X4U] Lost URL entry area in Safari

john john at MLCE.net
Tue May 9 14:20:01 PDT 2006

>On 05/09/06,  john <john at MLCE.net> wrote:
>  > I have a problem.  Safari has lost it's area to enter a URL.  I can
>>  go to places via the bookmarks but there is no area to type in an
>  > address.

>Click in the gray area above bookmarks and select Safari->View->Show Address
>Bar. If that option's not available, then select Customize Address 
>Bar and drag
>the URL window into the toolbar.

Hello John, Thank you, thank you, thank you. We must have hit 
something that caused it all to go away, your solution worked.


John and Cynthia

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