[X4U] Camera Movie Rotation

Michael Elliott michaelelliott at mac.com
Tue May 9 15:39:30 PDT 2006

Or, if you have Quicktime Pro (I think requires Pro)

Open your movie in Quicktime.

Go to Window-->Show Movie Properties (Command-J)
Select Video Track-->Visual Settings tab
use one of the buttons to rotate, scale, etc. your movie.

But, of course, a free plugin is cheaper than a Quicktime Pro  
license ;-)


On May 9, 2006, at 3:15 PM, John Terranova wrote:

> I had the same problem and found this (and the price is right):
> 	http://www.imovieplugins.com/plugs/turnclip.html
> 	john
> Fight war, not wars.
> On May 9, 2006, at 1:02 PM, Scott Phillips wrote:
>> I used the movie mode on my Canon PowerShot to capture a small  
>> movie clip but the playback orientation needs to be rotated 90  
>> degrees.  The camera does not support rotation of movie clips and  
>> I see no commands in iMovie to rotate the clip.

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