No. Of course not. My apologies. But I am expressing my frustration with the hundreds of people I've had to teach over the the last three years at my job who somehow have gotten through university and are supposedly bright people who when you show/tell them something, come in the next day with the same question, who thinking they're being "smart" start clicking things without a clue, who don't know what a folder is and why they should use one, many of who don't know what a file is (not kidding), or when they've lost a file and you ask where they saved it give you a blank look and say, "I saved it to Microsoft", they many many of who don't (perhaps can't) read the numerous signs, mini tutorials and directions at every workstation, the many who have trouble even using a mouse and to the one person who couldn't understand why Photoshop couldn't open a Word file and then said, "why can't one program do it all" yes they are stupid idiots. Sorry. Richard Gilmore On 9/5/06 7:42 PM, "Brett Conlon" <brett.conlon at> wrote: > So Mr Gilmore, are you calling me novice, stupid and an idiot??? > > ... just checking... > > Coj > > > > Richard Gilmore <rgilmor at> > > > > > On 9/5/06 3:10 AM, "Eddie Hargreaves" <meged at> wrote: > >> Why did they remove A LOT of features that existed prior to Tiger? > > Like what? But probably because they confused a lot of novice (stupid) > users. I work teaching tech illiterate people how to use computers and if > you give too many options to people they will click and click and click > mindlessly until they've totally buggered up the system. I honestly don't > know what some people are thinking when they do things but I've seen > people > cripple systems by doing whatever things and when you ask them they blame > the machine and have no idea what they did. The paradox is though if you > remove features that confuse people they'll kick and scream and claim Macs > are stupid and limited and they'll demand the options and choice back. > People want choice but when they get it they either don't know what to do, > never use the functionality or bugger the computer. I hate them. But > software designers should spend time with novice users to learn their > psychology and what they do, click and why so they can design better > interfaces and more idiot proof systems. > > My 2 cents > > Richard > > _______________________________________________ > X4U mailing list > X4U at > > > Listmom is trying to clean out his closets! Vintage Mac and random stuff: >