[X4U] Starts to boot, then black screen

Jens Selvig lstnmt at bresnan.net
Fri May 19 14:01:24 PDT 2006

Do you have any peripherals attached to the computer?

Do you have any login items being launched?


On May 19, 2006, at 11:52 AM, Crandon David wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Having trouble after upgrading to 10.4 Tiger in a 450MHz G4 AGP  
> Graphics mac.
> This computer is used with an Apple 20" LCD display purchased about  
> 2-3 years ago.
> It was running 10.2.x, then we upgraded, first a straight upgrade,  
> then tried an Archive and Install on the main hard drive, then did  
> an Archive and Install on the internal backup hard drive which was  
> a clone (over a year old) using Carbon Copy Cloner. We've had the  
> same problem in all instances.
> After the upgrade, we get a brief grey screen, then it goes black.  
> We don't see the spinning little grey clock dial thing or anything  
> else. This happens with both internal drives. The firmware is at  
> it's latest version. We used Apple's Disk Repair and Repair  
> Permissions at all appropriate times. We also ran Diskwarrior  
> several times as well.
> The computer will boot properly if we zap the PRAM, but after  
> shutting down and rebooting we get the black screen again. We have  
> replaced the internal battery and pressed the CUDA button and reset  
> the logic board per Apple's Knowledge Base articles.
> It boots properly from the Tiger disk and from the OS9 part of the  
> system. The backup internal drive booted fine even though the main  
> drive had this problem. After upgrading the internal drive we got  
> the same problem with it as well.
> We've upgraded using Software Update to all the latest stuff,  
> however, these problems happened even before we did that.
> NEW INFO: Just found out that if, after the screen goes black, we  
> can press the power button once, which starts it pulsating as if  
> the computer is asleep. Then, after pressing it again, the screen  
> comes back on. So it appears that the computer is booting properly,  
> but the screen goes black as if it's asleep. But the weird thing is  
> that it goes black initially even before the OS loads. Changing the  
> sleep/screen saver settings make no difference.
> Anyone?
> Thanks,
> David

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