[X4U] OSX under the hood info please.

Philip J Robar philip.robar at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 15:38:16 PST 2006

On Nov 7, 2006, at 1:21 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:

> If you really,. . . REALLY..., want to know what's under the hood  
> and have time for some bedtime reading:
> "The Design of the UNIX Operating System" Maurice Bach, ISBN  
> 0-13-201799-7  025, Prentice Hall, 1986.
> and a continuation:
> "The Design and Implementation of the 4.4 BSD Operating System  
> McKusick. Bostic, Karels, and Quarterman, ISBN 0201549794, Addison- 
> Weslsy 2002.
> The experience is well worth the time but the material requires real  
> academic interest. I spent a month of evenings and learned a whole  
> lot that was applicable to OS neXt. I also learned about things so  
> far under the hood that I shall never actually get there.

And if you really, really, really want to know what's under an OS X  
hood :-)

Title:		Mac OS X Internals: A Systems Approach
Author:		Singh, Amit
Hardcover: 	1680 pages
Publisher: 	Addison-Wesley Professional (June 19, 2006)
Language: 	English
ISBN: 		0321278542


1680 pages! Warning this book is not for the faint of heart!

Quoting from one Amazon user review:

"There are general computer science gems sprinkled throughout the text  
(the "systems" approach), so for those relatively new to operating  
systems, microprocessor design features (e.g. caches and cache types),  
programming constructs (stack management, recursion, etc), virtual  
memory, etc, you will extend your knowledge in areas beyond that of  
Mac OS X implementation details. You'll get the bigger picture.'

"We must not confuse dissent with disloyalty. When the loyal  
opposition dies, I think the soul of America dies with it."
  -- Edward R. Murrow

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