On Oct 28, 2006, at 8:31 PM, Nick Scalise wrote: > On Oct 28, 2006, at 8:47 PM, nk wrote: > >> I am planning to stay put with respect to my Mac hardware, >> software and OS. > > Do you mean like the folks that are still on OS 9? OS 9 is now 7 year old and still runs everything just fine, except the web browser maybe getting unusable due to lack of upgrades. But unless your high end graphics, video, movie or music editor. That is probably 90% of the average computer user who do email, surfing and keeping photos. How much power do you really need. These machines already are way over powered then the average user needs, the software companies just keep building bloatware to take more space and to take more e RAM but what can you really do that you can't on 9 or could have done if Apple kept support for a browser. Al products are built to become self obsolete, so you and all the others just keep buying blazing speed, more powerful. I wrote a legal brief on a Mac 512 in MacWrite, how could I possibly have done it any faster on the most powerful computer today. I can only type so fast. That was system 6 and it worked just fine. I have a G3 6100 run 24/7 does everything my Pismo's do, which does everything my 1.2 Ghz iBooks do, which does everything my 1.67Ghz G4 PB does. > get a new machine, these days just laptops, every 4-5 years. > > i like to get the max amount of time out of any purchase. > > i'll probably upgrade to 10.5 next year so i have it on both my > Ti500 and my Alum1.5, but that's about it Good plan I think, I am sure the computer as we know it will change to something else by 5 years anyway and when the big commercial people move in, we will lose a lot of the little places like this and posts that do not meet the guidelines will not be allowed. > You can look at history. > > Look at the people who stayed with 68K machines in the early '90s, > rather > than moving to the Power PC architeture. The 68's still work, depending on what the need is plus the software that was thousands is pennies on the dollar, same for the early PPC and it does what was so "blazing " just 5 years ago. > look at the people who stayed with OS 9 rather than moving to OS X. I put a partition of X from the first release just to see how it would go and to have some fun, I was disappointed at 10.2.8 I actually stopped using X for a year and went fully back to 9 I was for the first time disappointed in Apple. 3 years of crashing programs ,limited program function, when we were promised a full ready to go operating system, updates that messed up everything, lost data and promises not fulfilled.. Not until 10.3 did OS X really become stable .4 has been wonderful and .5 well that could be interesting . We are now going to be running some Intel and some PPC. I may wait a few months. Usually wait 1 or 2 anyways to let the beta testers get the bugs out. The whole point is you buy what you need and use what meets your requirements. I could have typed the legal brief on the G4 but the Mac 512 did just fine and I did not notice the difference; between the blazing speed of the 1985 512 , advertised when the Mac 512 was King or the G4 when it was King for a day. Typing that legal brief was not different. > Sooner or later, you will have no choice. Only if he need is required, otherwise for the average person these computers are way over powered. But like any business Apple needs to push units. I must say they do a better job then most at putting cutting edge tech on them What would be really nice is to develop a way to use this power in a much easier way then paging through a Manual a foot thick looking for how to make the software run. That is where the technology has really lagged and kept the average user from utilizing easily, all the power at their hands. The only real leap has been the audio visual and that has been pushed because it makes money for computer makers. I am with Nick, I have no desire to run to Intel as that has it's problems and I think everything I have will do fine for as long as possible and as long as some support remains. God post Nick Geoff