[X4U] fellow luddites?

Simon Forster simon-lists at ldml.com
Fri Nov 17 09:16:03 PST 2006

On 29 Oct 2006, at 01:47, nk wrote:

> I'm wondering if there are others here who are also going to stay  
> put with what they have right now, and what pitfalls, if any, await  
> us?

Well, we still have a machine running Mac OS 8.6 acting as a router /  
firewall - it's perfectly fit for purpose.

We've got at least one server running 10.2.8.

We've got an old PowerBook (Lomard IIRC) running 10.3.9 'cause that's  
the most up-to-date version of the OS it supports.

On my daily work machine, I've been using Mac OS X since the public  
beta and I'm working on 10.4.8 right now. My machine tends to be  
upgraded to the latest and greatest almost as soon as it comes out.

Just run what seems most appropriate to you and/or your hardware.


Simon Forster

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