I am running 10.4.8 and Safari 2.0.4. I have no problem with that site. Since you are having problems with a number of browsers and since this site has a significant amount of javascript, I'd be concerned that there is something wrong at a system level, with a plug-in, or with a bad preference file. Also, perhaps you have installed a plug- in that is conflicting. A couple steps to try: 1) Log-in to another user account on your computer, navigate to the site and see if you still have the problem. 2) If (1) is successful, log out of your primary account and then log back in keeping the shift key down. This will keep log-in items from loading. Again see if you are still having problems with the finance.google site. 3) If (2) is successful, then you need to check your log-in items, internet plug-ins, and preference files (see below) in your user library folder, etc. to try to find the culprit. 4) If neither (2) or (3) are successful, you may have an issue with a plug-in in the /Library folder. That folder has files that is available to all users. 5) One other thing to try is to download Preferential Treatment from Version Tracker or MacUpdate and run a consistency check on your user and system preferences. Good luck, Norm --- Norman A. Cohen nacohen at mac.com "It is only possible to live happily ever after on a day-to-day basis." Margaret Bonnano On Nov 21, 2006, at 06:10 AM, Jim Freeman wrote: > Here is the direct link to the offending page: > > http://finance.google.com/finance?q=aapl&btnG=Search > > Anyone have any idea what could be causing this? >