[X4U] Notes organizer?

Ray Choiniere rfcee at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 11 15:37:53 PDT 2006

On Oct 11, 2006, at 11:27 AM, SeaSoft Systems wrote:

>> It sounds you want a way to "organize" your notes rather than just
>> "outline" items. If so, I recommend Mori, an very nice app. It isn't
>> free (costs $40, and cheap at the price), but it's one of my most-
>> used ó and most trusted ó applications, You can download it for a
>> trial run, and there's a forum for questions and comments. Check
>> http://www.hogbaysoftware.com/product/mori
>> HTH
>> Ray
> I use, and love, journler. It is enormously powerful, fully cocoa,  
> universal binary, solid as a rock, etc., etc. If you're not using  
> this product, you should be. It has changed my life.
> It is more powerful than BBEdit's Yojimbo in my view, and free.  
> (open source, I believe). Does this all with incredible spotlight  
> integration for complex searching.
> http://journler.phildow.net/
> Richard

I had proposed Mori in my earlier response, but Richard certainly  
identifies a very desirable app. And for a free download — or even  
for donationware, which it is —  it's very, very impressive.

(I confess I've never quite gotten comfortable with Journler. But  
then I was already deeply involved with Mori when I discovered it, so  
I probably never gave it a really fair test.)



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