You get what you paid for.... I'm not sure if there are many "free" options for note taking. Sometimes you just gotta pony up for it and you'll realize that it was worth the money after all.... I personally use DevonThink Pro. It's got a great fuzzy logic feature. The more articles/notes you put it, the smarter it gets.... You can group your articles in folders and sub-folders. After you group a bunch of articles together, it can suggest where to group future articles. Of course, you can manually drag-and-drop notes. There are also links so that you can replicate the note and place it into another folder. It provides a link so that you edit the same note. For example, I have a note called "MacOS X Tips and Tricks for my PowerBook". I can put it in my "MacOS X tips" folder. I can replicate a link and put that link into my Hardware > PowerBook folder. This points to the original note in my "MacOS X tips" folders... There is also a "See also" button which allows me to see similar articles based on the contents of the current note you're viewing... It's $80 but it'll be $80 well spent.... The same company also has a couple scaled down siblings called DevonThink Personal for $40 and DevonNote for $20. You can see a feature comparison chart that will give you a better idea of which one fits your needs: Just a happy customer...... Of course, there are some of the others that other people favor but I've been happy with DevonThink Pro.... :-D Wilson - Guam, U.S.A. - - - P L E A S E C U T A L O N G D O T T E D L I N E - - - You can bend my ear We can talk all day Just make sure I'm around When you've finally got something to say. -- TOAD THE WET SPROCKET