[X4U] remote access

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Thu Sep 7 19:20:28 PDT 2006

At 9:30 AM -0700 7/9/06, keith_w wrote:
>Two things come to mind immediately. I assume you need a static IP address.
>Secondly, allowing remote connections sounds pretty scary!
>I would also assume you'd need a good firewall to do that.
>I recently pondered the possibility to access my HOME computer from 
>a relative's house, several states away.
>When I visit, I'd like to be able to access my own computer when I 
>have some spare time, and catch up on my emails, etc...
>Problem is, I think, that I have a dynamic IP address. So the above 
>software is out.

That is really simple. Just use <http://www.dyndns.org> go to get an 
address that will sycnhronize with your current IP address, and you 
have the equivalent of a static IP address. Then turn on FTP in your 
Sharing system prefernece panel, and you can access the files on your 
home computer using any FTP client on any platform. To get full 
control of your home computer is another issue and requires other 
software. But perhaps you just need to acceess files from home when 


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