[X4U] Itunes album browse

Daly Jessup jessup at san.rr.com
Sun Sep 17 07:19:38 PDT 2006

At 1:10 PM +0200 9/17/06, alexandre wrote:
>On 17 sept. 06, at 04:53, Kansas Territory wrote:
>>Is there a way for me to capture into a 
>>quicktime file,   a clip of me browsing through 
>>my iTunes albums, using the Album browse 
>>feature ?
>yes, i think snapz pro will do this for youĆ  for 69$.

I enthusiastically second this recommendation. I 
do see that there is another program, iShowU, 
that will make QuickTime movies and it costs just 
$20. However, I couldn't get the sound working 
correctly in a quick test of it. You might want 
to look at it if you don't do this kind of thing 
often, though.


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