[X4U] MacBook and USB modem

Randy B. Singer randy at macattorney.com
Mon Feb 5 13:46:49 PST 2007

On Feb 5, 2007, at 8:46 PM, aamolsch at shentel.net wrote:

>> The Apple V.92 USB modem is tiny.  About the size of a pack of
>> chewing gum. It's easy to transport.  It is also a piece of garbage,
>> as it is a softmodem that has been problematic for lots of users.
> ==========
> I've used the Apple USB modem flawlessly
> with my MacBook Pro the few times that I
> could only access dialup.

Yep, it works fine when you have perfectly clear phone lines and you  
aren't too discerning about your modem's connection speed.  Don't get  
me wrong, I have an Apple USB modem attached to my 24-inch iMac so  
that I can send faxes from my computer.  It isn't unusable, it is  
just very far from being an ideal modem.

There is an incredibly long discussion about Apple modems on Macintouch.

Randy B. Singer
Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (3rd, 4th, and 5th editions)

Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance

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