[X4U] Accessing files

Wayne Clodfelter wayne at troutnc.com
Fri Feb 16 15:56:07 PST 2007

On Feb 15, 2007, at 8:17 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:

> At 19:15 -0500 2/15/07, Wayne Clodfelter wrote:
>> you don't need sharepoints.
>> You can mount one machine as a server to the other simply by going  
>> to  network and selecting the other machine (virtual disk-named  
>> for the  user) and all other attached and mounted HDs.
>> Then use the User ID and password of the machine you wish access  
>> to.  This should make everything available so you can drag and  
>> drop and  open docs to your heart's content.
> I think the OP has a problem with multiple users on the machines.  
> There are still the Users and Groups concepts of the old Mac OS in  
> the OS neXt environment. In fact one could say that the whole  
> concept came from UNIX anyway.
> All users can be set to belong to a group you create. From there  
> the permissions of all users files can be set to allow access for  
> that group. (Well perhaps you wouldn't want ALL anyway.) In any  
> case if the permissions for directories and files are set correctly  
> remote access will be possible for group members when they log in  
> as themselves.
> Someone here can probably point to the correct GUI preferences to  
> accomplish all of that. I find the UNIX tools from Terminal.app  
> easier but that comes from age and experience with UNIX in the  
> 70's. There is the Netinfo control scheme.
> -- 
> --> From the U S of A, the only socialist country that refuses to  
> admit it. <--
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Not sure what OP is, but I do it all the time to transfer files to my  
wife's machine connected via router and ethernet. She's logged on,  
and I am able to mount her machine's discs using her user name and  
Her's is a Sawtooth and mine is a Quicksilver, both running 10.4.8.


Wayne Clodfelter
wayne at troutnc.com

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