Linda, If you mean that the keyboard viewer is too small to be useful, go to your Universal Access System Preference pane and turn on "Zoom". (I find a reason to use the zoom feature almost everyday, via the keyboard shortcuts.) This will at least make it easy to view how the modifier keys (command, option, shift, control, function, and combinations of those) affect the layout. But I agree with you that not being able to see the fonts as wysiwyg is a drag. OS9 "Keycaps" was great for that. Just to be certain that there isn't one of those hidden secret ways, I sent the question to my favorite Apple tech. If he comes up with a solution, I'll post it here. Cheers, John On Feb 22, 2007, at 4:03 PM, Linda wrote: > Keyboard Viewer doesn't show me the actual font, and I can't find a > way to > resize the keys for better legibility, which limits its usefulness > (IMHO).