[X4U] Simple Excel Question

Jim Robertson jamesrob at sonic.net
Thu Jan 4 06:12:10 PST 2007

I've created a simple 3-column list in Excel; First column cells contain a
short text string (bug, interface issue, feature request); second column
contains paragraph text describing the issue; third column contains column
text describing progress towards resolution of the issue.

I've used the list wizard to generate the worksheet, with titles at the top
of each column that I've designated to be repeated on each page. The problem
is that if the paragraph text in the last row on a page overlaps the bottom
page margin, Excel doesn't simply move the "offending" row to the next page;
it keeps that row limited to one line of text and the text in the offending
row is displayed as  hashmarks (##############) filling the cell.

Is this a quirk of using the list wizard? Should I start over, manually
formatting the rows and cells (I have the data entry cells all set to
autowrap text with first line of text in each cell at the top of the cell.

Thanks so much,

Jim Robertson

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