[X4U] dragging files to burn onto disk

Linda XPressoBean at mac.com
Tue Jan 9 09:14:20 PST 2007

On 1/9/07 11:01 AM, Mark Des Cotes wrote:

> Is there any way to change the behaviour in the Finder so that when I
> drag a file or folder onto a blank CD or DVD it actually copies the
> info instead of creating an Alias? I know I to hold the Option key
> while dragging but sometimes when I'm in a rush old habits return and
> I forget the Option key. Just this morning I burnt a CD full of
> Aliases for a customer that was waiting at the counter. What's the
> point of creating an Alias on a CD or DVD anyway?

What version OS are you using, Mark?

I've never created an alias by simply dragging to a CD or DVD. Sounds like
there's a setting somewhere (though at quick glance I can't find it -- do
you have third-party mouse/trackball software installed?).

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