[X4U] Sources of PPC Mac drying up

Randy B.Singer randy at macattorney.com
Sun Jan 14 13:48:53 PST 2007

Zane H. Healy said:

>At 9:35 AM -0500 1/14/07, Neil wrote:
>>I'm trying to figure out why it would be so important for somebody to get a
>>PPC Mac as opposed to a MacIntel, especially months in the future when there
>>should be even more universal software.  Do you still need to run Classic
>For me that would be the one reason to get another PPC system.

Over on the WordPerfect/Mac discussion list, there is posted an installer 
for SheepShaver that makes it really easy to install with all its 
components.  Folks have reported complete success running classic OS 8/9 
applications on their Intel-based Macs!


More about SheepShaver:

Randy B. Singer

Co-Author of:
The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th and 6th editions)

OS X Routine Maintenance

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