[X4U] Re: Uninstalling Office 2004 Broke Entourage X --- It Gets Interesting

Neil_ Pollack lists at mac.com
Thu Jan 18 21:26:41 PST 2007

On Thursday, January 18, 2007, at 10:17PM, "Diane Ross" <diane.ross at comcast.net> wrote:
>On 1/18/07 6:11 PM, "Bellwether" <bellwether at mac.com> wrote:
>> To read the whole exhausting thread, go to the letterrip archives (URL at
>> the bottom of each email message) and go to something like the third page of
>> "earlier" messages. You're looking for a thread titled,
>> Re: Shift h still isn't working
>> in which the eventual solution was originally struck on Dec. 5. It's a few
>> days later that I have the time to try it and fix it, but Scott's suggestion
>> is 12/5/06.
>I saved a summary.


>To test for a corrupt preference.....

>Go into your home folder and take the ~/Library/Preferences folder, and put
>all the files in there into a folder on your desktop called old_prefs.


>Finder will lock up when you move them out the first time. 

The strange thing is that the Finder did NOT lock on me. 

>Force quit the Finder. 
>Now log out and back in, and you will see your 
>Mac is now back to defaults. 
>(You could skip moving the Finder out as it is most likely not
>the problem and save the lock up problem.)

After I took out all the prefs, I came back and saw this, so I went ahead and put 
"com.apple.finder.plist" back in the pref folder.  So, after I had all of my other prefs in 
a folder on my desktop, I logged out and back in and had the same problem.   
Of course, I took that Finder pref out next and logged out again.  Now, all of the prefs 
have been removed, but I still have the problem.  That means we can rule out the
preference folder as the source of the problem.  What do we try next?

>Another suggestion: User Font Finagler purge your font

That was the first thing I tried.  It didn't help either.  Thanks again,


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