[X4U] Re: hijacking threads

Tim Collier timjcollier at mac.com
Sat Jan 20 05:57:12 PST 2007

On Jan 19, 2007, at 7:05 PM, Linda wrote:

> On 1/19/07 5:45 PM, Doug McNutt wrote:
>> Note the last line and think about those "important mail clients"  
>> of which I
>> spoke. RFC2822 and its cousins make interesting reading if you're  
>> really
>> interested in the proper way to do things.
> Doug,
> "Proper"?
> I'm not interested in Threads. My clients don't "do" threads, so it's
> inadvisable for me to try to make it work here. I do "Subject"  
> because it
> works when they reply to a two year old message and just change the  
> subject.
> Believe you me, if Mail did what I need, I would use it exclusively.
> However, it does not, so half of my accounts are rec'd in  
> Entourage, almost
> half in Mail, and two in Thunderbird.
> The only place I see the "Threads" discussion is on Mac lists. My  
> request
> for someone to explain it was for people who don't understand or  
> don't yet
> know the difference. I know the difference, I've lived through it a  
> dozen
> times on various Mac lists in the past year. Personally, I don't care
> whether people thread or not; my point was that if people are going to
> request different behavior from people, they ought to also explain  
> WHY for
> people who don't understand what they are doing wrong.
>> It would really be much better if everyone used the references but  
>> some
>> important mail clients have their own ideas about how the universe  
>> should be
>> organized.
> I'm not the Email Police; I'm not compelled to tell other people  
> how to
> write their email. You've confused me with someone else! I'm not  
> trying to
> tell anyone how to organize the universe. You (the collective  
> "you", not you
> personally) can try to change the world and get everyone to  
> properly Thread
> their messages, or you can adapt to what people actually DO, and  
> group by
> Subject. :-)  It's your choice. Doesn't make my way wrong.

Another nice thing about the OS X mail app is that you can set up  
rules, say to have all messages from this address placed in a folder  
that you create.  Now, THAT folder can be set up to be viewed in  
Threads, but it doesn't apply universally.  So your main mailbox will  
still be viewed the same way that you're used to.
Entourage is a HOG!  Too much useless crap crammed into a poorly  
designed application...no thank you.
As a former Windows user, I didn't like Outlook either.
Also, I can't even imagine having to use 3 different mail  
applications, that must be a nightmare.  I have a total of 5 email  
addresses that I keep track of all in OS X mail.  Simple and painless  
and I can view email lists, such as this by thread....it certainly  
makes it a lot easier.


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