On 23 Jan 2007, at 15:23, Paul Moortgat wrote: > ... > It turned out that he lived in a rural area with water > supplied by a well with an electric pump. Every time he > flushed, it would turn on the pump, causing a dip in the > electric power, which in turn would cause the computer > to restart itself. This put a smile on my face. > Must have been a PC. This lowered my opinion of you. Was there any need for that? Was the whole purpose of your post to denigrate PCs? Because by extension, denigrating PCs denigrates their users. There may be no need for it to do so, but any Windows user reading that post will think "what's wrong with the nice new PC I just bought last year? it works for me". And any Windows "enthusiast" reading your post would be quite entitled to think "what an arrogant bunch those Mac users are! how smug to think that computers which can't even right-click can possibly be better". I frequently suggest to my PC-using customers that they get a Mac, and they just look at me sideways and say "but it won't be compatible". Really, this is extremely fortunate for me, because I make my living out of PCs, and the one customer who took my advice has not needed to call me in the two years since. But is it surprising that Windows users don't understand Macs, if Mac users must always be so condescending? If you wish to encourage wider Mac use then I suggest you are less divisive with your comments in future. And should you ever kerb the current to your Macintosh you will find that it, too, will not run with insufficient power. And your story is an old one, anyway; do you still work with Mr Danielsson? <http://searchwinit.techtarget.com/tip/ 0,289483,sid1_gci966002,00.html> Stroller. [1] And before you say "it doesn't" there are very many PCs out there which work perfectly for the purposes of word-processing, email and web-surfing; little old ladies are at a FAR lower risk of malware than families with teenage kids. Uninstall McAfee from a new £400 Dell, replace with AVG free edition and it is noticeably snapper than my MacBook, which was twice the price yet which suffers terribly for having only 512meg RAM.