I thought that I would mention this deal in case folks here hadn't heard about it. MacUpdate has partnered with the developers of several popular Macintosh programs to offer a software bundle at an incredibly reduced price. The bundle includes: SRS iWOW regular price: $19.99 GarageSale regular price: $ 29.99 Cocktail regular price: $ 14.95 ProfCast regular price: $ 59.95 Amadeus Pro regular price: $ 40.00 Fetch regular price: $ 25.00 GraphicConverter X regular price: $ 30.00 PhotoPresenter regular price: $ 8.00 Little Snitch regular price: $ 24.95 Intaglio regular price: $ 89.00 TechTool Pro regular price: $ 99.99 Regular Total: $441.82 MU Price: $49.99 THIS OFFER WILL EXPIRE IN ABOUT 24-HOURS, so if you are interested, don't delay! http://www.mupromo.com/ ___________________________________________ Randy B. Singer Co-author of The Macintosh Bible (4th, 5th, and 6th editions) Macintosh OS X Routine Maintenance http://www.macattorney.com/ts.html ___________________________________________