[X4U] Creating A Form Template Using A Picture As Background

revDAVE coolcat at hosting4days.com
Wed Mar 7 22:23:14 PST 2007

Basically - I have a scan of a form template. I would like to put this in an
application - and be able to place lots of text boxes on top of the form
template fields - and be able to type into these text boxes ( basically
filling out a form) - and then be able to print a PDF of this. And do this
over and over again.

Q: What is the best application to do this type of thing easily for the end
user ( being able to tab from field to field etc.)

Filemaker? - Acrobat? - PageMaker?- Quark?

Q: Is there a way to do it in Microsoft word?  And will

Thanks - RevDave
CoolCat at hosting4days.com

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